10 Different Types of Blueberries For Your Garden

Deciduous blueberry shrubs produce fruit. Their heavily branched stems make them ideal landscaping plants. Blueberries have nodding, bell-shaped blossoms in April that bees enjoy. Different blueberry types provide an abundance of sweet, edible fruits from late spring to mid-fall, which can be eaten raw or baked and preserved.   

1. Atlantic

Atlantic is a medium-sized northern highbush. This cultivar prefers mild climates. To control growth, trim this spreading plant that produces many canes. ‘Atlantic’ yields abundant mid- to late-season fruits. The firm, big peaches taste great.   

2. Bluecrop 

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Bluecrop’ is medium-sized. ‘Bluecrop’ is a robust, upright-growing plant. It fruits midseason. Medium to large, firm, crack-resistant fruits.  

3. Blue Jay

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Blue Jay’ grows quickly. Plants grow quickly and send up new root suckers each year. Mummy berry disease-resistant ‘Blue Jay’ bushes grow upright and open.  

4. Blueray

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Blueray’ is medium-sized. It provides medium to high fruit yields early to mid-season. The huge, high-quality fruits taste great. Growing upright and vigorously, plants spread readily.   

5. Bluetta

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Bluetta’ is medium-sized. This early-ripening cultivar produces medium-sized fruits. The fruits are crack-resistant, tasty, and softer.  

6. Draper

Northern highbush ‘Draper’ is compact and spherical. Early to midseason berries ripen. Medium-to-large, firm, mild-flavored fruits. Draper produces well, but its fruits ripen quickly, restricting harvest season.  

7. Duke 

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Duke’ is medium-sized. Vigorous, erect plants produce early to mid-season fruits. New canes will grow as root suckers from ‘Duke’. These plants yield medium-to-large, firm, light-blue fruits.  

8. Earliblue

Northern highbush ‘Earliblue’ thrives. These bushes grow straight and spread, producing several new canes each year. To maximize fruiting, grow ‘Earliblue’ in a bright position with another early-season variety.    

9. Elliott

Northern highbush cultivar ‘Elliott’ is tiny to medium-sized. This hardy late-season plant fruits in September. For optimal fruit set and quality, cross-pollinate ‘Elliott’ with another late-season cultivar.  

10. Herbert

The medium-sized northern highbush cultivar ‘Herbert’ produces huge fruits. Blueberries of this variety are huge and tasty, yet soft.  

Floral Separator

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