10 High-Protein Desserts for Your Sweet Tooth, According to a Dietitian  


1. Cottage Cheese Ice Cream 


Cottage cheese ice cream is a quick, high-protein treat you can make at home. Cottage cheese contains calcium, B12, and 23.5 grams of protein per cup.  

2. Chia Pudding


High-protein chia pudding is excellent as a treat or any time of day. Chia seeds include 4.68 grams of protein per ounce, and peanut butter, Greek yogurt, and collagen peptides can improve this quick dish's protein.  

3. Mini Cheesecake


Online protein cheesecake recipes. Homemade graham cracker crust, Greek yogurt, and light cream cheese are traditional. Weightless, healthy, and protein-packed 0% Greek yogurt cheesecakes. Sour cream is full-fat in traditional formulations.  

4. Collagen Hot Chocolate


Looking for a delicious and relaxing nighttime routine? Make collagen hot chocolate. The 20-gram collagen serving has 18 grams of protein and can be used in sweet and savory recipes.  

5. Black Bean Brownie


Black beans are an easy method to boost brownie protein. Black beans provide folate, magnesium, iron, and 15.2 grams of satisfying protein.  

6. Chocolate Peanut Butter Hummu


Usually a savory snack, chocolate hummus is becoming more popular. Chickpea hummus offers 14.5 grams of protein per cup and can be mixed with sweet ingredients to make a unique high-protein dessert.  

7. Honey Cinnamon Roasted Chickpea


Another sweet way to eat chickpeas for dessert is to roast them in honey and cinnamon.  

8. Berry Frozen Yogurt 


Greek yogurt, frozen berries, and maple syrup are all you need to make your own frozen yogurt at home. Greek yogurt has 19.9 grams of protein per 7-ounce serving, which is more than twice as much protein as regular yogurt.  

9. Tofu Chocolate Pudding 


Finding high-protein desserts on a plant-based diet is difficult. Fortunately, several plant-based protein sources may be added to vegan treats like pudding.  

10. Greek Yogurt Bark


Greek yogurt bark is tart-sweet with 3 cups plain Greek yogurt, 3 tablespoons maple syrup or honey, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. On parchment-lined baking sheets, sprinkle berries, cacao nibs, almonds, or other sweet or salty toppings. Frozen bark slices.  

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