10 Most Fragrant Flowers For Your Cutting Garden 

Few activities are as sensory as gardening. You see many colours and textures as you walk among the blooms and vegetation. The charm of the garden includes the sun on your back, the cooling spring wind, and the birds and bees going about their business.  

1. Bearded Iris

Bearded iris blossoms are complicated, gorgeous, and fragrant! These huge, colourful flowers with ruffled petals available in several colour combinations. As varied as their colours, their scents include orange blossoms, chocolate, and grape soda.   

2. Lily of the Valley

Queen Elizabeth II's favourite flower, lily of the valley, is often used in royal bridal bouquets. According to mythology, these delicate plants grew where Eve's tears fell when she left Eden. These flowers smell pleasant and fresh, white flowery with green notes.   

3. Sweet Pea

Sweet peas are vining plants with beautiful, sweet-smelling blossoms in many colours and sizes. They look great on a trellis or arbour going to the cutting garden. These Italian natives prefer sun, moisture, and well-draining soil. Vines reach eight feet tall and generate many flower stems.   

4. Lilac

I remember when lilacs lined our garden and filled our play space with their powdery, sweet, green scent. Lilacs are some of the most gorgeous flowers, with huge flower clusters in purple, pink, and white. They also smell great.  

5. Stargazer Lily

Stargazer lilies are huge, showy, and fragrant, making them great cut flower centrepieces. These Oriental lilies boast bright pink and white blossoms with freckled petals and big anthers. They bring a pleasant, spicy scent to a room and look great in the yard.  

6. Rose

Roses are a cutting garden favourite and aromatic flower. English roses are the most fragrant, with thickly petaled, magnificent blooms on handsome plants. Some roses smell sweet and delicious, others peppery or musky.   

7. Phlox

Their enormous clusters of brightly coloured flowers make fantastic floral fillers or focal points. This flowering plant has over 1,000 variations, each prettier than the last.  

8. Tuberose

Perfumers love tuberose. The perfume is complex, medicinal, or narcotic, with green, honey, and earthy, exotic notes. Mexican-born and slightly succulent, the plant is easy to cultivate and sustain in warmer areas.  

9. Stock

Stock adds colour and a clove-like perfume to your yard and floral arrangements, creating a nostalgic feel. They make great cutting flowers for a cottage garden or cutting garden, and the spicy-scented blossoms can be used as salad and baking garnishes.   

10. Gardenia

Gardenias are hard to beat for fragrant flowers in a cutting garden. Many cosmetic and body care products use gardenia's creamy, white flowery scent, which is popular in perfumery. With their huge white blossoms and glossy green leaves, they enhance any floral arrangement.   

Floral Separator

Also see

10 Flowers to Sow Early in the Season