12 Perennials You Should Never Plant Next to Each Other 

Some perennials shouldn't be planted together, although many can. Gardening expert Kayleigh Brillon discusses which perennials should be planted apart in this article.  

1. Fennel and Kohlrabi

Fennel and kohlrabi may be the least compatible. Fennel will block kohlrabi growth and compete for root space and nutrients. Both have leafy crowns and huge bulbs, so overcrowding is inevitable.  

2. Gardenias

There are so many stunning gardenia colors that you'll want to plant them all! Not a good idea. Gardenias are beautiful, but they carry diseases swiftly, and nothing spreads disease like a gardenia!  

3. Garlic and Onions

Some perennials may fragrance your garden for years, unlike garlic and onions, which are annuals. Stay away from perennial garlic and onions. Pink root, wireworms, onion maggots, and fusarium bulb rot damage both alliums. One plant disease or pest can infect another. Onions and garlic go great together. 

4. Lavender and Hostas

In principle, lavender and hostas make a stunning landscape, but keeping everyone pleased is a nightmare. Lavender is robust and needs sun and slightly dry soil. However, hostas like shade and avoid thirst. If you grow them together, one will be dissatisfied!  

5. Marigolds and Bean

Bring marigoldsSmall combatants struggle with spider mites. Growing marigolds near beans is risky since spider mites adore beans! Spider mite-prone plants should be separated.  

6. Milkweed, Forget-Me-Nots  

As the only plant Monarch butterfly larvae eat, milkweed is vital. While you may wish to scatter milkweed into your flower beds, avoid growing incompatible plants.  

7. Mint and Strawberries

Fresh mint-topped strawberry lemonade sounds good right now! However, I would never grow mint and strawberries together. Both plants spread like weeds in the correct conditions and will quickly crowd each other out.  

8. Oregano and Basil

Oregano and basil are essential to every herb garden, but keep them separate. Like previous pairings, water needs prevent these two from partnering. Oregano is drought-tolerant and may be overwatered to meet basil's needs.  

9. Rosemary and Cucumber

Rosemary needs less water than cucumbers. Rosemary tolerates dryness and infrequent watering. However, cucumbers won't tolerate that! Since rosemary and oregano like similar circumstances, grow cucumbers in a damp garden.  

10. Tansy and Almost Everything 

Tansy is aggressive, but it doesn't mean you should avoid it. Tansy should not be planted in noxious weed zones. Make sure to keep it in a container and deadhead the blossoms before they go to seed to restrict the population.  

11. Shade Trees and Gra

If your lawn is spotty, you know turfgrass and shady trees don't get along. A large tree will shade most lawn grasses, generating dirt patches. Lack of grass lets you mulch your tree for even watering, therefore it's okay. No lawn with a shade tree is perfect.  

12. Walnuts and Many Plant

A few plants can resist the tree's toxic toxin, juglone. Several allelopathic juglone plants tolerate! Pawpaw, hickory, sycamore, viburnum, forsythia, and black raspberry shrubs grow well with walnuts. Try onions, melons, beans, and squash for food plants, but watch the shadow.  

Floral Separator

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