3-ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

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The 3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies are incredibly simple to create. Perfect for homemade cookies without spending all afternoon in the kitchen!  


– 1 cup (255g) creamy peanut butter* – 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar – 1 large egg

Warm the oven up to 350°F. Put parchment paper or plastic liners on baking sheets to line them.  

Step 1 


The peanut butter, sugar, and egg should all be mixed together. It's possible to mix by hand or with an electric spoon.  

Step 2

Make balls out of the dough by taking about a tablespoonful at a time. Put one on each of the ready pans, leaving about 2 inches of space between each one.  

Step 3

On top of each cookie, make a cross-hatch pattern with a fork. Fold the cookies in half once.  

Step 4

Eight to ten minutes, or until the sides are lightly browned and the middles look set. For each pan, bake for eight to ten minutes.  

Step 5

Let the pan cool for 5 to 10 minutes on a wire rack. After that, carefully move the cookies from the pan to a wire rack where they can continue to cool.  

Step 6

Also See

Also See

Maple Pecan Cookies Recipe