7 Tips For Faster Growing Apple Trees This Season

Probe soil temperature. Let plants adjust by gradually removing frost blankets and row coverings. If cold weather is possible, don't allow your plants produce susceptible new leaves and blooms.  

1. Chill Hour

Chill hours are important when choosing a tree for your climate. Apple tree growth and fruit production thrive at 32–45 degrees. This time usually takes hundreds of hours per season. A tree may not bloom or grow leaves without enough winter cold.  

2. Plant a Two-Year-Old Tree  

Skip the saplings and choose a two-year-old tree to minimize tree growth period. While your tree will still take time to reach productive age, a 2-year-old will get you there faster.  

3. Choose a Fast-Growing Variety

Some apple cultivars grow quicker. Choosing one will soon start fruit production Red Delicious and Golden Delicious are recognized for their robust growth. If you want extra flavor, choose Lodi and Gravenstein apples.  

4. Consider Planting a Dwarf Variety

Try a small apple tree to speed up fruiting. Home growers can more easily manage dwarf fruit trees, which are usually under 10 feet tall. They produce lots of fruit in a little space.  

5. Plant in The Spring

After gardening for a while, you know that various plants thrive in certain seasons. However, even within broad seasonal buckets like ‘warm season crops’, vegetables, flowers, and trees must be planted at specified times.   

6. Watering

Except in very warm climates, natural rain and run-off will likely hydrate mature trees with well-established root systems. They need one inch a week, which you can readily provide in summer.  

7. Fertilizing

Apple trees need nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium to thrive. Nitrogen grows vegetation, phosphorous roots and blooms, and potassium/potash protects the tree's immune system. Annual growth and development require these minerals.  

Floral Separator

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