Cherry Pie Filling Recipe Recipe

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If you want to avoid using a can of cherry pie filling, here is a simple method for making your own.  


– 2/3 cup sugar – 4 Tbsp cornstarch – 2 lbs frozen cherrie – a squeeze of lemon, optional

The sugar and cornflour should be mixed together well with a whisk. Put the cherries, sugar mixture, and 1/4 cup of water in a medium-sized or big pan that won't react with anything. 

Step 1 


Mix well and dissolve sugar and cornflour over medium heat, stirring frequently. Cherry juices escape as they heat.

Step 2

After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer and stir for a few minutes until the filling thickens to your liking. 

Step 3

Your filling will thicken as it cools. Taste the filling (be careful, it's hot!) to see whether it needs extra sugar or lemon.

Step 4

Let the filling cool to room temperature, then put it in a jar that won't let air in and put it in the fridge until you need it.  

Step 5

Also See

Also See

Cranberry Pie Recipe