Homemade Corn Tortillas Recipe

For the best tacos, enchiladas, and quesadillas, make your own corn tortillas in minutes with masa harina and water.

– 2 cups masa harina – 1 1/4 cups water – 1/2 tsp salt, optional



In a bowl, mix the masa harina and water together. Just mix the dough until it comes together.  If the dough seems very dry, add a little more water.

Step 1

Step 2

Wet plastic or a cloth over the dough will keep it from drying out while you work. Make a ball out of a small piece of dough that's about the size of a ping-pong ball.

Step 3

Put the dough ball on top of a waxed paper piece in the tortilla press. Using the tortilla press, press the ball down and cover it with another piece of waxed paper.

Step 4

Peel off the waved paper slowly. About 30 seconds on each side, cook the tacos on a hot pan or griddle. A baggie of cooked tortillas stays in the fridge until I'm ready to use them. 

Also See

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