How Old Is Counselor Troi In TNG & Star Trek: Picard?

For 15 years, Deanna Troi was the ship's counsellor on the USS Enterprise. But how old was she in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Picard?

Before returning in Star Trek: Picard, counsellor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) served on the USS Enterprise for seven seasons and four films of Star Trek: The Next Generation. 

Before returning in Star Trek: Picard, counsellor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) served on the USS Enterprise for seven seasons and four films of Star Trek: The Next Generation. 

Troi's empathy helped her spot opponents' secrets in TNG.Marina Sirtis made Deanna fascinating in Star Trek: The Next Generation, even though authors didn't know what to do with Counsellor Troi. 

Troi was an accomplished counsellor and Starfleet officer when she joined the USS Enterprise-D crew, earning a bridge position. Ian (Amick Byram) and Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett) had Deanna Troi on Betazed on March 29, 2336. 

Deanna grew up with wonderful recollections of Ian Troi, who died when she was seven.In 2364, 28-year-old Deanna Troi joined the USS Enterprise-D crew for Star Trek: The Next Generation's first mission to Farpoint Station. 

This mission requires Deanna's emotional sense to perceive the station as a massive, shape-shifting lifeform imprisoned. Troi's compassion and advice made her an essential part of Enterprise-D from the start. 

The next three years saw Deanna nearly marry, impregnated by an alien, lose her Betazoid powers, and go underground as a Romulan operative.The Bridge Officer's Test in 2370 made 34-year-old Deanna Commander. 

The most successful Deanna romance was with Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) in TNG. In Star Trek: Nemesis, Will and Deanna married in 2379 after being platonic on TNG. After Riker took over the Titan, Deanna joined. 

At 45 in 2381, Deanna and Will had their first child, Thaddeus Troi-Riker. A few years later, Kestra (Lulu Wilson).Officer Troi appears when Admiral Picard visits Will and Deanna on Nepenthe in Star Trek: Picard season 1.

In 2399 Deanna's 63, Troi-Riker's house, Picard waits for his comrades aboard the La Sirena with Data's synthetic "daughter" Soji Asha (Isa Briones Picard Season 3 shows Troi in 2401. Troi stopped the Changeling/Borg Federation-destruction plot at 65.

Deanna plays a Changeling Vadic prisoner in Picard season 3, episode 6, "The Bounty," because Marina Sirtis missed the first half due to scheduling. After Vadic catches Riker, he and Deanna contemplate marriage in prison. 

After rejoining TNG aboard the USS Titan, Troi empathises with Jack Crusher and sees the Borg in his thoughts. After Troi uses empathy to find her husband and Borg cube companions, a Star Trek best counsellor saves the day.

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