How to Start a Pollinator Garden

Pollinators are crucial to our gardens and humanity. Pollinators are needed to reproduce about 80% of our flowering plants, including much of our food. Without them, our life would be much harder and few of our garden activities would be possible.  

The Best Pollinator Garden Plants  

Diversity is key when selecting pollinator garden plants. Pollinator species prefer diverse plant colours, flower shapes, and sizes. Growing as many species as feasible will support more pollinators than one or two.  

1. Native Perennial

Blue-eyed grass is an eastern North American herbaceous perennial bulb. It grows in damp, open forests and wetland borders, especially along coasts. These plants prefer full sun but can tolerate little shade. Keep the soil wet and well-drained.  

2. Host Plant

Pollinators like butterflies and wasps are equally as important in gardens as bees. Host plants are essential for more butterflies in your yard.  

3. Non-native Favorites

While native plants are important, add some non-native favourites to beautify and attract pollinators. These are great for planting among veggies to encourage pollination, add colour, and variety to beds, whether you're producing for cut flowers or to keep outside.  

4. Choosing  a Location

Choose a location with six to eight hours of sunlight every day because most pollinator plants need it. The plants should be close to your produce garden so pollinators hop there, enhancing yield.  

5. Sowing

Select native species, host plants, and prominent annuals, then plant. Growing seeds in trays or ground is simplest. Different species need different things. Before sowing, consider planting timings because certain seeds need cold or warm soil.  

6. Shelter and Water

The main focus of a pollinator garden is flowering plants, although there are additional aspects. Keep pollinators by providing shelter and water. You have various options because most pollinators seek protection in autumn and winter.  

Floral Separator

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