How To Use Sticky Traps To Get Rid of Houseplant Pests

Adhesive traps attract and kill flying pests. These work well indoors and out, but especially in indoor gardening.

What Are Sticky Traps?

Colourful sticky traps (typically yellow) attract flying bugs. Pests cannot escape the paper's sticky glue once they land. Adult reproduction is also stopped, restricting spread. To catch bugs, replace them every few weeks because pest covering and dust weaken the stickiness.

Which Pests Do They Catch?

These traps can also control whiteflies and thrips on houseplants. Flying bugs attracted to yellow will likely land in your traps. Hanging versions also repel flies, which may not bother your houseplants but can be a nuisance.

How To Use

It's time to set up some sticky traps if you see bugs buzzing around your houseplants. The process is very easy, and the product you buy will usually come with installation directions.


The most common type of houseplant traps have sticks that are sunk into the ground so that the sticky part stays just above the ground. Fungus gnats are drawn to wet soil, so these are great for getting them. Anging traps should be hung at the level of the pest problem to get the most bugs.

How Many Do You Need?

Traps get less sticky with time, so watch them. When dust collects on traps, they become ineffective. Replace them. Replace traps every two weeks or flip them over while lying flat. Most kits include many traps for ongoing therapy.

Follow Up Treatment

Keep treating your plants until no new pests arise. Continue checking your houseplant traps for fresh infestations. Avoid overcrowding and watering carefully to avoid wet conditions that attract pests to prevent early infestations.

Final Thought

When used properly, sticky traps can detect and catch flying houseplant pests. To permanently eliminate pests, follow up with tailored treatments.

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