Larry David Is Setting Up The Perfect Seinfeld Reunion We’ve Been Waiting The Last 15 Years For

Season 12 of Curb Your Enthusiasm keeps making references to the hit series Seinfeld, which means that the cast will get back together for the first time in 15 years.  

Seinfeld's finale is referenced in Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12, suggesting a 2009 reunion. Curb Your Enthusiasm has always referenced Seinfeld, Larry David's most renowned sitcom, but in its last season, the references have increased.  

After Curb's season 12 premiere teased a reprise of Seinfeld's series conclusion, practically every episode has highlighted David's Seinfeld career, legendary episodes, or former staff members.  

Curb stresses Seinfeld's influence on Larry David. A decade after Seinfeld's controversial ending, Larry and Jerry wrote and filmed a season 7 reunion special. Episode 4, “Disgruntled,” covers Larry David leaving Seinfeld after season 7 to write Curb season 12's finale.   

Thus, David may be setting up a larger Seinfeld cast payout for Curb's ending.Larry was arrested for giving Ellia English's Auntie Rae a water bottle in an Atlanta voting line, and Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12, episode 2 ended to announce his trial.  

This strengthened the idea that Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 could finish with Larry's old foes trying him and putting him to prison like Seinfeld's key protagonists in the 1998 finale.   

With more Curb characters referencing Larry's work on Seinfeld's disputed ending, the HBO comedy is building to Jerry Seinfeld returning as a "witness" in season 12.Curb Your Enthusiasm fans anticipated Jerry Seinfeld would return for the final season.   

No confirmation of Jerry Seinfeld's comeback has been confirmed, but season 12's many references seem unlikely without him.   

Since Jerry and David co-created Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld returning alone would work, but bringing back Jason Alexander, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Michael Richards for the first time since Curb season 7 would fulfill the teases.  

Season 7 of Curb Your Enthusiasm brought back David, Seinfeld, Louis-Dreyfus, Alexander, and Richards after years apart. With Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12, the original Seinfeld team may work together again in a written manner.  

In Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12, Seinfeld's four major actors could testify for Larry's trial, parodying the conclusion and possibly marking their last fictional reunion.  

Seinfeld might do a Friends-style unscripted reunion special, but Curb may be their last chance to laugh. Seinfeld's best shot to reunite with the other three over comedy is Curb. Curb Your Enthusiasm finales ban Seinfeld reunions.  

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