Raspberry Crisp Recipe

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A raspberry crisp in the summer is warm, juicy, and just right for raspberries.


– 24 ounces fresh raspberries* – 1/4 cup sugar – 1 Tbsp cornstarch CRISP TOPPING – 1 cup all purpose flour – 1/2 cup sugar – 1/4 cup rolled oats – 1/2 cup salted butter, room temperature – 1 Tbsp vanilla bean paste

Preheat oven to 350F. Coat rinsed, drained raspberries with sugar and cornstarch. Spread evenly in your baking dish.

Step 1 


Put the flour, sugar, oats, butter, and vanilla in a food processor or bowl to form the crumble topping.

Step 2

 For the blender, pulse or process the food until it is crumbly. If you're doing it by hand, mix it all together with your fingers until it's crumbly all over.

Step 3

Put the crumble on top of the raspberries. Toss the fruit and filling together and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the surface is golden.

Step 4

Let it cool down some (or all the way) before you serve it. You can eat the crisp warm or at room temperature, with whipped cream or ice cream.

Step 5

Also See

Also See

Classic Carrot Cake Recipe