Sweet Potato Companion Plants You Should Grow

When done correctly, companion planting is an ancient agricultural strategy that helps gardens thrive. Companion plants create a balanced plant community that boosts garden growth. Sweet potato companion plants are fascinating!  

1. Herb

Herbs thrive on sandy soils, making them ideal for sweet potatoes. Warm soil-loving herbs complement sweet potatoes well. Summer savory, an aromatic herb, is one of the best sweet potato companion plants for preventing weevils.  

2. Alliums

Green onions and onions pair well with sweet potato vines. For its compact growth and bug-repellence. The Colorado potato bug avoids onion leaves' strong fragrance. Scallions and other alliums have comparable defenses.   

3. Greens  

Sweet potato crops are covered by spinach and tiny lettuces. As cover crops, they minimize garden soil erosion. Greens are scarce in vegetable gardens. Since spinach removes minerals that inhibit sweet potato vine growth, more greens means more sweet potatoes.  

4. Legumes  

Nitrogen-fixing pole beans make great sweet potato companions. When sweet potatoes form, they draw nitrogen from the soil. Sweet potato tubers benefit from pole beans replacing nitrogen.   

5. Root crops

Many root vegetables pair well with sweet potatoes. Parsnips fill garden gaps and loosen soil. Grow sweet potatoes alongside parsnips but not in the same garden. Parsnips too close can stunt tuber growth.

6. Flower

Flowers usually attract beneficial insects and trap pests. Some even repel crop-destroying pests. Because it repels pests, marigold is widely utilized in companion planting. Place it in borders with flowers and herbs around your vine.   

7. Shady Plants  

Tall corn crops shade sweet potato plants from sun and heat that can singe foliage. A large bed of sweet potatoes with corn interplanted shades the vine. Another interesting and good sweet potato companion is the banana tree.  

Floral Separator

Also see

10 Tomato Companions and What Not To Plant With Tomatoes