Why Kevin Ollie loved the Brooklyn Nets’ resilience in the win against Philly


Losing to the Grizzlies on Monday night put the Nets under pressure. That made Coach Kevin Ollie's game against the Philadelphia 76ers a must-win.  

Coach KO gave a halftime motivational message after Brooklyn's poor first half play versus Philly. The Nets' urgency led to a great second half.  

"Their strength. We already talked about that.When Philadelphia came out, they were ahead by about 14 points. We dug in, stayed together, and kept in touch.   

During our pre-game walk, I told the guys that we had to stay together and connect, and they did," Coach KO said when asked what he liked most about the game. 

When Ollie took over as head coach from Jacque Vaughn, who had previously held the position, he stated that he desired to have "hunters" on his squad.  

If you want to describe players who are able to outwork and outhustle their opponents, this is a concise way to put it. There are already players in his roster who possess that skill level, such as Dennis Smith Jr. and Dorian Finey-Smith.  

Ollie urged everyone to play aggressively and never give up. He received that from backups like Jalen Wilson and Keita Bates-Diop, who contributed just for energy.  

Besides the hustlers, non-hustlers got more interested in that playstyle. Cameron Thomas, Cameron Johnson, and others bought into Coach KO's approach and played well.  

Coach Ollie said that Brooklyn is not as talented as the top teams after they lost to the Grizzlies. But he wants the Nets to play tough enough to catch up and beat the other teams.   

Brooklyn can win if they work harder than their opponents, and Coach Ollie knows that his players can do that if they follow his method.It's also important to be able to play well even when things go wrong, which happened in this game against Philadelphia.   

The Nets were down 14 points, but that didn't stop them. The team made a return and won 112–107, showing that Ollie has an effect on his players. 

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