10 Winter Houseplant Tips: Keep Indoor Plants Healthy in Winter

In winter, houseplants reduce development and rest more than many outdoor plants. The winter months require a minor shift in care to keep our plants healthy.

1. Slow Watering

Low temperatures and short days relax plants like us. Weather delays houseplant growth, saving energy for later in the season. Slow-growing plants absorb less moisture because they use less.

2. Don’t Fertilize

Winter plants need less water and nutrients. Winter feeding promotes growth in poor environments. Any new growth will likely be weak and unsustainable. If winter indoor temperatures drop significantly, this new growth is more sensitive to cold damage.

3. Move To A Sunnier Spot

Sunlight varies year-round. Winter has lower daylight hours and different solar angles. A houseplant in the perfect place may suddenly get less indirect light. Adjustments are needed then.

4. Supplement With Grow Light

Moving fussier or sun-loving houseplants closer to a window may not be enough. In areas with short days and dreary winters, even stronger houseplants may struggle.

5. Monitor Temperature

Most houseplants can't tolerate chilly temperatures, making them ideal for indoor cultivation. Tropical houseplants like peace lilies and monsteras stop growing below 60°F (16°C) and might suffer leaf and stem damage below 50°F (10°C).

6. Protect Plants from Heat

I placed a houseplant near a fireplace without realising it would be a problem in winter. After hours of flames and some sad, shrivelled leaves, I realised my mistake.

7. Up The Humidity

Humidity, especially in winter, is often underestimated but can dramatically affect development. You may have 50% humidity in spring and summer, however using heaters indoors will drastically lower humidity.

8. Avoid Repotting

More time indoors with houseplants can inspire experimentation. You may want to clip a stray branch or repot a plant that needs additional space. Winter is the worst time to repot houseplants.

9. Tidy Up

After adjusting your environmental conditions, houseplants are considerably easier to care for in winter. With less watering and feeding and pruning and repotting off the table, you should have time to clean.

10. Don’t Panic

Like gardens, houseplants vary with the seasons. In cooler months, yellowing, leaf loss, and minimal growth occur. Never panicking if you observe these signs. Watering, feeding, pruning, or other procedures to quickly remedy stunted growth damage it. 

Floral Separator

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