4 Best 20-Min. Korean High Protein Breakfasts for Fast Weight Loss in 20 Days

Certainly! Here are four high-protein Korean breakfast options that can help you lose weight quickly with a balanced diet and frequent exercise:

Ingredients: Eggs, assorted vegetables (such as spinach, carrots, bell peppers), salt, pepper, cooking oil.

Vegetable Korean Egg Roll


Directions: Season eggs with salt and pepper. Add finely chopped veggies. Cook the mixture in a buttered pan until set. Roll, slice, and serve the cooked egg securely.

Ingredients: Firm tofu, assorted vegetables (such as broccoli, mushrooms, onions), soy sauce, garlic, sesame oil.

Stir-fried Tofu with Vegetables


Directions: Add cubed tofu, chopped vegetables, garlic, and soy sauce to a pan and cook until soft. Pour sesame oil over food before serving.

Ingredients: Eggs, green onions, chopped kimchi, salt, pepper, cooking oil.

Korean Style Omelette


Directions: Season eggs with salt and pepper. Add chopped green onions and kimchi. Cook the mixture in a buttered pan until set. Cook till golden brown on both sides.

Ingredients: White fish fillets (such as cod or tilapia), assorted vegetables (such as zucchini, carrots, asparagus), olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon wedges.

Grilled Fish with Steamed Vegetables


Directions: Salt and pepper fish fillets and drizzle with olive oil. Grill till done. Steam chopped veggies till soft. Lemon wedges accompany fish and vegetables.

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