8 Low-Carb Vegetables That Are Also High in Fiber


1. Cauliflower


Low-carb diets like cauliflower. This cruciferous vegetable has few calories and carbs but lots of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Try it as a pizza crust or rice it for a low-carb alternative.  

2. Broccoli


Another cruciferous vegetable, broccoli, has few carbs but many benefits. Broccoli is 30 calories and 5 g carbs per cup. Folate, potassium, and vitamin C are in every meal, along with 2 g of fiber.  

3. Asparagus


Green, purple, and white asparagus are available. Spring vegetables are popular, although they may be eaten year-round. Raw asparagus adds crispness to salads and sushi bowls, unlike steamed or roasted asparagus.  

4. Purple Cabbage


Low-carb, high-fiber purple cabbage is another healthful veggie. Purple adds plant components to healthful food. Purple cabbage includes anthocyanin, a flavonoid that may prevent neurological and cardiovascular diseases from oxidative stress.  

5. Eggplant


Aubergines and eggplants are nightshades. Sometimes crimson or black, usually purple. Eggplants are healthy regardless of color. Eggplant has 21 calories, 5 g carbohydrates, and 2 g fiber per cup.8 Eggplants are antioxidant, mineral, and vitamin-rich.  

6. Kale


Kale has very few carbs and lots of fiber. One cup of cooked kale has 60 calories, 6 g carbohydrates, and roughly 6 g fiber. Kale is high in vitamin A, C, and calcium. This green can be eaten raw in a salad or wrap or cooked into a savory dish.  

7. Bell Pepper


Sweet peppers, or bell peppers, are a nutritious food. They can be green, yellow, orange, or red, but all contain antioxidants that fight oxidative damage.  

8. Mushroom


Carbs are low in mushrooms. Approximately 1 g fiber, 2 g carbs, and 15 calories per cup.Mushrooms' antioxidants and anti-inflammatories improve blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference over time.  

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