Danish Butter Cookies Recipe

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A short list of items is all you need to make Danish Butter Cookies!  


– 1 cup (226g) unsalted butter, softened – 1 cup (110g) confectioners' sugar, sifted – 1 large egg – 1 tablespoon vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract – 2 cups (240g) all-purpose flour – about 2 tablespoons granulated sugar or sanding sugar

Warm the oven up to 375°F. Put parchment paper or a silicone lining on the bottom of baking sheets.  

Step 1 


The butter and confectioners' sugar should be mixed with an electric mixer on medium speed until they are light and fluffy.  

Step 2

Be sure to add the egg and vanilla. Turn down the mixer's speed. Slowly add the flour and mix just until everything is mixed.  

Step 3

Put the dough in a pastry bag that has a big star tip on it. Cut the dough into rounds that are about 2 inches across. Space the cookies about 2 inches apart.  

Step 4

Add sanding sugar or powdered sugar to the top of each cookie. Put the cookie sheets in the fridge for 15 minutes.  

Step 5

As you bake, take out one pan at a time and keep going until the edges are just beginning to brown.  

Step 6

Put a metal rack on top of the pan and let it cool for 5 minutes. After that, move the cookies to a wire rack to cool fully.  

Step 7

Also See

Also See

Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe