Four Workouts That Help Manage Your Type 2 Diabetes 

Many people love low-impact walking. Stepping improves blood pressure, hyperglycemia, and cholesterol. To satisfy the ADA's daily aerobic activity requirement, 30 minutes of brisk walking (100 steps per minute) is ideal.  


With training and your doctor's supervision, you can go from brisk walking to running. Faster activity lowers the risk of high blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol.


Stationary bikes are popular for a reason. Cycle regularly to improve your heart, lung, balance, and posture. You don't need an expensive workout bike to start. Get an old bike and ride outside or try a stationary bike at the gym.  


Dance may spice up your training. Dancing improves fitness, blood sugar, and heart health. One study indicated that T2D patients who danced were more motivated to keep to a regimen than those who followed other fitness programs. 


Plenty of reasons exist to train in the water. Easy-joint water activities like swimming may lower blood sugar. They may help improve T2D patients' fitness, strength, and heart health. 

Water aerobics 

Short bursts of high-intensity exercises are followed by prolonged lower-intensity ones in HIIT. Exercises like jogging and cycling can include it. HIIT may lower Type 2 diabetes fasting blood sugar.  

High intensity interval training 

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