Are Daylilies Invasive

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Are Daylilies Invasive:- Do your daylilies take over your garden? Are you afraid that they might bother you? Invasive species hurt the environment and pollinators in the area. This piece by gardening expert Jill Drago talks about how daylilies can take over your yard and what you can do about it.

Invasive plants are foreign species that grow quickly and hurt the health of ecosystems in the area they are introduced to. In wild places, they get there through seeds or roots that grow quickly, and they crowd out native plants that pollinators and soil animals need. Animals and the food web that depends on local species are hurt by aggressive and invasive plants.

Are Daylilies Invasive

The Orange Daylily Vs. Hybridized Daylilies

  • You have seen the orange daylily if you have ever been driving down the road and seen a beautiful field of them in a ditch.
  • This daylily has a lot of different names. Hemerocallis fulva spreads quickly, especially when conditions are ideal. That means wet places for this daylily, like riverbanks or ditches where rain can gather.
  • Orange daylily plants make seeds. But those seeds aren’t fertile, so they won’t grow into new plants. This type of plant spreads through its tuberous roots.
  • Hybridised daylilies might be mean. It is much easier to stop these plants from spreading, though. Mixbred daylilies spread through seeds. You won’t have to worry about daylilies taking over your yard if you remove the spent flowers from your plants.

How to Prevent

  • Avoid planting daylilies in places where they have been labelled invasive. This is the easiest way to keep them from getting out of hand.

How to Remove Daylilies

  • There are a few different ways to get rid of daylilies. Try your best to get rid of all of those tuberous roots, no matter what way you use.

Alternative Plants

  • Butterfly weed is still a bright orange flower that attracts many different kinds of bees. Butterfly weed can grow up to two feet tall and is hardy in zones 3 through 9.
  • These plants are very important to monarch butterflies because they provide food and a place for the larvae to live. But pets shouldn’t be around this plant, so be careful when you put it.

Iris domestica (Blackberry Lily)

  • Please don’t be fooled by the name of this plant; it is actually an Iris. The blackberry lily can grow in zones 5–10 and is three feet tall. The flower stems come out in red, orange, or yellow shades. These blooms only last about a day, just like daylilies. While this plant, on the other hand, blooms for weeks, it lasts much longer than a normal daylily.
Are Daylilies Invasive
Are Daylilies Invasive

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Iris fulva (copper iris)]

  • The copper iris is a great plant that looks a lot like the orange daylily if you don’t like how it spreads. This plant can live in zones 6 through 9, and it gets to be three feet tall. If you have water in your yard, the copper iris is a great choice. This plant comes back every year and has lance-shaped leaves and copper-colored flowers that look like lilies.

Lilium canadense (Canada Lily)

  • This plant is beautiful if you like the way lilies look in your yard. This flower can grow in zones 3–8 and can get as tall as five feet, which is taller than a daylily. This plant comes back every year and has flowers that are yellow, orange, or red. The 4-inch blooms usually have spots on them.

Lilium philadelphicum (wood lily)

  • Many people love the wood lily, and it’s easy to see why. This lily can grow in zones 4–7 and gets three feet tall. They bloom for up to five weeks, longer than daylilies. The flowers face upward and are a bright orange-red colour.

Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed susan)

  • Even though they don’t look as good as daylilies, black-eyed Susans are reliable plants that don’t need much care. This plant can grow in zones 3–9 and can grow up to three feet tall.

Final Thoughts

  • Don’t forget that not all daylilies spread quickly. You can easily do study if you have plant tags or are very familiar with the types of plants you grow in your garden. Most hybridised daylilies grow in groups and don’t spread. Take care of your orange daylilies as needed and get rid of any that are giving you trouble. If they seem to be limited, keep an eye on them and see how far they spread.

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