Charlotte the stingray: Ultrasound released, drink created in her honor as fans await birth

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Charlotte the stingray: Ultrasound released, drink created in her honor as fans await birth:-People who like Charlotte the stingray can’t wait for her to have her babies. People all over the world are in love with the stingray since it was revealed that she is pregnant in a strange way.

They told the public in February that Charlotte, a female stingray at the Aquarium and Shark Lab by Team ECCO in Hendersonville, North Carolina, could get pregnant even though she didn’t have a male partner.

Charlotte the stingray: Ultrasound released, drink created in her honor as fans await birth

Charlotte is said to be past her due date; she should have given birth two weeks ago.

Aquarium releases ultrasound of Charlotte’s pregnancy

In an Instagram post on March 9, Team ECCO told fans that Charlotte was pregnant by sharing an image of Charlotte and answering questions.

As shown in the previously shared ultrasound clip, Charlotte is definitely carrying one puppy, according to a Team ECCO worker who wrote the post. “Charlotte’s pregnancy is one of a kind.” In this species, there is no set rule for how long a parthenogenetic pregnancy lasts. Charlotte is the first known California round stingray to give birth to twins while being kept as a pet.

Stingrays can reproduce without a mate, which is also called a parthenogenetic pregnancy, according to experts. This can happen when that species doesn’t have enough offspring.

First, you should know that parthenogenesis is an asexual reproduction process in which a female organism makes an embryo without a man present to fertilize the egg. This was written in a blog post by Dr. April Smith, executive director of the North Carolina Science Trail. “This means that the offspring are usually all female, and this happens in a place where there are no males, like a zoo or aquarium, or in a remote natural area like the deep sea.” This is a way for a species to stay alive and help others survive.

The aquarium said in the post that Team ECCO plans to share information about Charlotte’s pregnancy with experts all over the world.

Team ECCO builds a home for Charlotte and her bundles of joy

Team ECCO is getting ready for Charlotte to give birth soon, and the zoo is ready for them to come.

In an Instagram post, the aquarium stated, “The babies will be put in a nursery tank.” “This tank is set up to have the same conditions as Charlotte’s current home.” The babies will be split up so that aquarium workers can carefully watch them.

Team ECCO said on March 11 that they would be posting details about Charlotte on their social media pages every Wednesday and Saturday from now on.

Charlotte the stingray: Ultrasound released, drink created in her honor as fans await birth

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Social media reacts to Charlotte’s overdue pregnancy

Fans who pay close attention to Team ECCO’s updates on Charlotte also keep their social media fans up to date.

The ECCO team told us what’s going on with Charlotte the stingray, and we learned two things from yesterday’s post. “They learned that they can see at least one baby stingray in there on the ultrasound, which was very exciting. They also learned that Charlotte the stingray can wave goodbye,” TikTok’s eager mom wrote on the social media app. “I love every video they post of her; she’s so cute.” If this crazy stingray gives birth while I’m there, it would be great. I will be in the area near Hendersonville, North Carolina, next week.

Other TikTok users talk about how frustrated they are about the late pregnancy.

It’s North Carolina I believe we have all been gaslit. Did anyone else read the news stories about a stingray that was pregnant? It’s either very rare for stingrays to reproduce on their own, or they got pregnant by a shark that was in their tank, which is pretty cool. As of about a month ago, all the stories and posts said, “Charlotte should be giving birth this week at any time.” Samantha Gradle wrote this in a post.

Someone else on TikTok thinks that Charlotte has already had her puppies and that the zoo is keeping these facts from everyone.

“I think those shark pup Jesus rays are in a lab somewhere and they’re studying them and they know some stuff and they will not tell us,” Manny Buckley wrote in the post. “That’s crazy. We have every right to know what’s going on with Charlotte.” I know she’s not pregnant because she already had a kid. “I want to see those babies!”

Charlotte inspires a latte creation at a North Carolina coffee shop

In Hendersonville, North Carolina, a coffee shop made a drink that goes “deep under the sea” to honor Charlotte.

The owner of Black Bear Coffee Company, Mark Pavao, saw the pregnant stingray at the Aquarium and Shark Lab by Team ECCO over the weekend. This made him think of a new item to put on the menu.

“My parents and I went to the aquarium and talked to the owner, Brenda Ramer. She showed us Charlotte, and we’re all excited to see her. “Everyone there was nice, and as we talked, the idea of having a latte to honor Charlotte came up.” That seemed like a great idea to me.

In the morning of March 9, Pavao and his team came up with a plan to make the Stingray Shuffle Latte, which was inspired by Charlotte. The latte is made with dulce de leche and coconut, which are not just any two things. Because Charlotte is a round stingray and lives in the southern California Baja area, those flavors were picked with that in mind. On Sunday, the team had made the latte and was ready to serve everyone.

“Every sale of that latte is being tracked, and we’re going to let it last as long as it can.” It’s likely to last until the summer or right after Charlotte gives birth. After that, we’ll talk to Brenda. There will be some money left over to help Brenda with everything that has to do with Charlotte. Pavao told them. We can help them in any way we can with the other animals in the tank. Brenda also brings in a lot of young people from the area. From now on until high school, she will work with them. She brings them to the Caribbean to learn how to scuba dive and works with many Caribbean countries. The kids will learn marine biology in the Caribbean after their trip.

The Black Bear Coffee Company is going to give the money they made from the lattes to Team ECCO to help Charlotte, her puppies, other sea animals, and the aquarium programs.

With the launch of the latte, Pavao said that waves of customers have been coming in to try the new drink.

“It’s done really well since we put it out there,” he confided. “I believe many people are thrilled about Charlotte, and we are too!”

Pavao said he was glad that Team ECCO and Charlotte were getting so much attention.

He said, “If one of us does well, we all do well.” “That’s pretty much how we all want it.”

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