10 Citrus Trees Perfect For Growing In Indoor Containers

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10 Citrus Trees Perfect For Growing In Indoor Containers:- Due to container size, indoor citrus plants are smaller than outside ones. Trees that reach 30 feet outdoors won’t achieve half their potential indoors. reduced trees produce average fruit despite their reduced stature.

Indoor trees require the sunniest room and grow lights. Bring your plant inside when the weather cools after soaking up as much sunlight as possible in the summer. I’ll show you 10 indoor citrus plants to start your citrus orchard fantasy.

10 Citrus Trees Perfect For Growing In Indoor Containers

1. Buddha’s Hand

  • The Buddha’s hand, also known as a fingered citron, is a fascinating fruit that will spark conversation in your living room. You may think this fingered fruit is alien or banana-like. This fruit’s pith makes it unusual besides appearance. Instead of gel-like bulbs of sour liquid like in lemons and limes, this fruit has pith all the way through.
  • What to do with pithy fruit? Since it’s not bitter like a lemon, you can do a lot with it. Zest can be added to food and drinks, made into jelly, or eaten fresh in salads. The rarity makes it worth growing!
  • Buddha’s hand may be the first citrus. Buddhist monks brought it to China in the 4th century from northeastern India. It bears aromatic blooms and 4-8-inch fruits that are fragrant when harvested. Let the plant get as much sun as possible and water only when the soil is dry. Fruit usually appears after three years, but you can get lucky after one.

2. Clementine

  • Clementines, tiny oranges sold by the bag in grocery stores, are named for their cuteness. However, clementines are mandarins, not oranges. Mandarins and tangerines are the same, but “mandarin” belongs to Asia and “tangerine” to Africa. The clementine, originally from Asia, is currently popular in California and Spain.
  • Due to their petite trees, these citrus fruits are ideal inside. Their compact growth habit suits limited places. It produces fruit without several trees because it’s self-fertile. In containers, the plant will be smaller but the fruit will be the same size as outdoors. Sweet clementines have few seeds.

3. Finger Lime

  • If tuna is the “chicken of the sea,” finger limes are the “caviar of the garden.” A finger lime will release caviar-like pulp beads when cut open. Similar to lemons and limes, but in spheres instead of tear-shaped beads.
  • Finger lime trees, shorter than citrus, grow to 20 feet. Naturally, container-grown plants are smaller.
  • They grow shrubby, making them suitable for indoor cultivation, but watch out for the prickly branches. If you cultivate the 4-inch fruit indoors, it won’t lose size or quality.

4. Grapefruit

  • Recently discovered citrus fruits include grapefruits. Jamaica and Barbados grew grapefruit in the 19th century. Citrus experts identified it as an orange-pomelo hybrid. These salt-sensitive plants have sharp thorns. They don’t need pruning except to remove damaged branches and maintain shape.
  • Grapefruits are acidic, but tree-ripened ones are sweeter. However, it may diminish the tree’s fruit production following year.
  • Grapefruits are 6 inches wide, pink inside, and yellow, gold, or green exterior. Growing this plant at home can damage cats and dogs if they eat it.

5. Kaffir Lime

  • Kaffir limes are also called makrut or Thai limes. It’s native to southeast Asia but now so prevalent in tropical locations that its origin is unknown. The fruit, blossoms, rinds, and leaves can be utilized in soups, stir-fries, salads, marinades, and more.
  • Try one of these limes at your local Asian grocery. Since they don’t generate much juice, the rind and leaves are usually cooked.
  • This tree can grow to 6 feet tall, making it a good interior plant. But it has thorns and is prone to mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites, which enjoy other houseplants. Glossy, evergreen foliage and green, bumpy fruits. This exotic fruit looks great on the patio or in your home.
10 Citrus Trees Perfect For Growing In Indoor Containers
10 Citrus Trees Perfect For Growing In Indoor Containers

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6. Key Lime

  • Growing key limes at home for pies may satisfy your sweet taste. Depending on the cultivar, key limes can be golden when ripe, unlike the little green limes on pie boxes. They’re named after being largely grown in the Florida Keyes in the 19th century, but not anymore.
  • Key lime trees are shrubby and grow to 13 feet without containers. This tiny tree is ideal for small spaces. The fruits are usually spherical and little more than 3 inches. These trees are moderately poisonous to pets, so keep them away.

7. Kumquat

  • Kumquats’ shortness makes them good indoor plants. If you want them to grow to 10 feet tall and 8 feet broad, give them a huge container. They thrive on patios in summer and need full sun like other citrus plants. They produce fragrant white flowers in May and June in well-draining soil.
  • Two-inch-long orange oblong fruits. The rind and insides can be eaten fresh, preserved, or used in salads and desserts. Handle the tree carefully because new growth is typically prickly. This variety, the Centennial Variegated, is mainly thornless.

8. Lemon

  • There is nothing more recognizable than the Citrus Limon, or the regular old lemon. It is renowned for its mouthwateringly tangy juice and captivating aroma.
  • Lemons are used to smell candles, cleaning products, soap, and savory and sweet foods. (You ought to look into the Candle Squeeze of the Day!
  • When allowed to grow naturally outside, the lemon tree can grow up to 20 feet tall; indoors, however, it will grow smaller. As the tree ages, its red leaves acquire a dark green color and it produces tiny white flowers.
  • The plant has a strong scent that will fill your room with a wonderful aroma. Keep the plant outside in the summer and bring it inside for the winter for optimal results.

9. Mandarin Orange

  • Mandarin trees thrive in both tropical and temperate regions; but, if you bring it inside during the winter, you can grow this variety in a colder temperature. Like other citrus trees, it does best in sandy soils with some shade, although it can also survive in some degree of shade.
  • It is vulnerable to a wide range of typical houseplant pests, such as mealybugs, aphids, mites, and whiteflies. If you frequently experience these pest issues, you might want to keep it apart from your other plants.
  • Mandarin fruits begin as brilliant green and mature to a striking orange, with a maximum diameter of three inches. The plant is perfect for container gardening because of its compact, shrubby growth pattern and thorny branches on its evergreen leaves. As the plant cannot withstand temperatures below 40°F (4°C), make sure to shield it from the elements.

10. Myrtle Leaf Orange

  • The term “common myrtle tree” comes from the resemblance of this plant’s leaves. This tree is a thornless species that grows to only 10 feet tall, making it perfect for indoor cultivation. Usually, the fruit has a diameter of only a few inches.
  • Because the fruits of the myrtle leaf orange are so sour, they are mostly produced for aesthetic purposes. While you might not want to add orange slices to your salads or snack plates, you can use them to make jams or sweets, or to flavor drinks and dressings.
  • This tree bears an abundance of fruit that may be left on the tree for some time, making it a fantastic choice for ornamental planting if you enjoy the way orange trees appear.

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