10 Companion Plants to Grow with Chard

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10 Companion Plants to Grow with Chard:- Swiss chard is a leafy green with vivid white, yellow, orange, and red stems. Any vegetable garden or flower bed looks great with it. Chard like chilly conditions but can handle hot with water.

Many plants can be grown locally. This bright crop needs lots of sunlight and moisture, making it a fantastic plant partner. To reduce pests, keep chard away from beet relatives because it doesn’t have roots.

Here are 10 companion plants you can cultivate with chard to maximize your gardening space and produce a delicious and beautiful garden.

10 Companion Plants to Grow with Chard

  • No two gardens are quite the same, so let’s look at some of the benefits and problems you may have using chard as a companion plant in your garden.
  • The pretty colors and ease of care make this one of my favorite plants to grow in the yard. I don’t have many problems with pests, and it’s easy to forget to water.
  • Here are some of the pros and cons of using chard as a companion plant in your yard. Keep in mind that every garden is different.

1. Disadvantages

  • No two gardens are quite the same, so let’s look at some of the benefits and problems you may have using chard as a companion plant in your garden.
  • Your chard might not have many bugs, but aphids, darkling and flea beetles, beet leafhoppers, snails, and slugs can all damage it.
  • Slugs and snails can quickly breed and do a lot of damage in one night. As you grow chard for its leaves, keep an eye on them for pests so you can get rid of them right away.
  • Because they like cool weather, chard grows best in the spring or fall. In cold places, they might not make it through the winter, but they can handle a light frost.
  • They only grow once, so if you want to save seeds, keep them in a pot and bring them inside for the winter, or cover them to keep them warm.

2. Beans

  • No two gardens are quite the same, so let’s look at some of the benefits and problems you may have using chard as a companion plant in your garden.
  • Even when they’re not growing together, beans and greens make a great pair. Plant beans where you want to grow chard. When the beans die, leave their roots in the ground so they can break down.
  • Bean plants make nitrogen, which is then released into the earth when the roots break down. This makes the soil better. As the weather gets warmer in early summer, pole beans can give chard some shade.
  • You can put bush beans between your chard because they won’t get too tall and shade it out. These plants all do well in dirt that is damp, so they get along well.

3. Cabbage

  • Although cabbage is large, it doesn’t hurt chard. Large cabbage leaves shade the earth, keeping it moist and helping chard and cabbage thrive.
  • Since chard roots grow deeper than cabbage, interlaced root systems won’t compete for water and nutrients. Chard leaves can shade cabbage on hot spring days if let to grow.

4. Celery

  • Celery and chard go well together. Celery grows vertically and has a shallow root system, making it compact above and below ground. It likes damp circumstances and won’t block your chard.
  • Growing celery and chard together is possible. The cooler autumn temperature will sweeten both plants, which thrive in spring and fall. For easier gardening, this pair is great.

5. Chamomile

  • Chamomile repels aphids, making it ideal for chard. Although its powerful aroma is pleasant, it makes it tougher for aphids to discover plants, which can lower their population.
  • Depending on your climate, chamomile may thrive in containers. After establishing, it’s drought-tolerant but needs more water in summer heat. Chamomile and chard can thrive together in hot, dry climates.
10 Companion Plants to Grow with Chard
10 Companion Plants to Grow with Chard

Also see:- 10 Companion Plants to Grow with Artichokes

6. Cilantro

  • Chard and cilantro pair well on the plate and in the garden. Cilantro benefits the chard greatly in this friendship.
  • The aroma deters flea beetles and attracts predatory beneficial insects like hoverflies and wasps that consume numerous chard pests.
  • With an inch of water per week, cilantro should grow well with chard. Make sure both plants have enough sunlight, nitrogen, and space to thrive.

7. Garlic

  • Garlic bulbs don’t compete with chard roots, so they fit almost anywhere. Containers can produce elephant garlic and other giant types, although spacing may be a difficulty.
  • Chard and garlic thrive in moist soil and sunlight, making them easy to grow together. Garlic is useful for insect control on chard.
  • Pests avoid garlic because of its smell. Garlic flowers attract helpful insects like hoverflies, bees, wasps, and butterflies.

8. Lavender

  • Chard is said to taste better with lavender. However, lavender and chard don’t compete for nutrients or water, so they can coexist without conflict.
  • Lavender attracts many pollinators, many of which are carnivorous and eat aphids. Bugs, fleas, and rabbits and deer are also deterred by lavender.

9. Lettuce

  • Chard and lettuce are unrelated but grow well together in the garden. In cooler weather, both plants need water and sun. Provide shade with taller plants or shade cloth to keep them through summer.
  • Shallow root systems prevent these two plants from competing for space. You should leave space between them so they can get enough sunlight, but you can squeeze them in.

10. Marigolds

  • Marigolds complement various plants. They won’t push out neighbors because they have short roots and keep compact above ground.
  • Marigolds are grown for their pest-control properties. They catch aphids and resist root-knot nematodes. Chard isn’t very susceptible to nematodes, but they’ll damage practically every root in the soil.

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