10 Companion Plants to Grow with Artichokes

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10 Companion Plants to Grow with Artichokes:- Artichoke plants are drawn to light. They have the potential to develop to a decent height and width, an intriguing-looking flower bud, and an amazing purple bloom that attracts bees in plenty. You can cultivate a lot of companion plants with artichokes, despite their preference for being the star of the show. When growing artichokes, spacing will be important. When the plants are big, they can cast a lot of shade, so you have to be careful not to shade out other plants. Nevertheless, you have a lot of excellent options to pick from, and many of them go nicely together on the dish.

10 Companion Plants to Grow with Artichokes

What is Companion Planting?

  • Planting diverse plant species together in a garden for mutual benefit is known as companion planting. Plants suffer from diseases and pests, yet certain species are immune to certain ailments. In your garden, you can reduce pest pressure by grouping them together.
  • You may conserve a great deal of resources by designing your garden such that everything functions as a whole. Pest treatment could save you money, space, and time.

1. Attract Pollinators

  • After allowing some of your artichokes to bloom, you will be able to appreciate the one-of-a-kind beauty of the blossoms that resemble thistles. They bloom from the center of the bud and develop into a bright purple color as they mature.
  • After it has flowered, the artichoke is no longer good for consumption. Additionally, the flowers that are contained within an artichoke before it blossoms can be observed as the inedible fuzz that is located at the heart of the artichoke.
  • You will have a large number of pollinators, despite the fact that the plant is inedible once it blooms. Species such as bees, butterflies, and other animals are drawn to the enormous purple flowers of thistle. There are many ways in which these pollinators contribute to the ecosystem of the garden.

2. Container Plants

  • It is possible to deal with artichokes in a variety of ways because they are excellent container plants. Artichokes should be kept in a container adjacent to their friends if you have a limited amount of room in your garden.
  • It is possible for them to reap the benefits of pollinators and other plants that may deter or attract pests, even while they will not receive the soil benefits that certain kinds of companion plants contribute.
  • When growing artichokes in containers, it is essential to ensure that the containers are sufficiently large and contain sufficient soil to accommodate the extensive root system that the plant eventually develops.

3. Space

  • Artichokes are big. They grow to 4 feet tall and wide, which may limit what you may plant if you have limited room.
  • Containers can be used to grow artichokes. This manner, you can transfer them when they are too big for the garden and still benefit your plants.

4. Water Requirements

  • Due to their water needs, artichokes are hard to grow in arid areas.
  • They need damp soil and feed heavily. Deep watering 2-3 times a week is excellent, depending on weather.
  • You may need to water them more in summer to keep them happy. Drip irrigation is your best buddy in heat!

5. Pests

  • Many pests and illnesses can attack artichokes. While not necessarily more prone to difficulties, having more potential concerns increases risk.
  • Monitoring your plants and their partners’ pests can help you control their spread. Infestations are harder to treat than prevention!

6. Arugula

  • Arugula pairs well with artichokes since it needs full sun in chilly weather but shade in warm season.
  • Arugula’s shallow root structure won’t compete with artichoke roots, so you’ll pick it before they cause difficulties.

7. Asparagus

  • The perennial asparagus plant needs at least two years to produce asparagus. As perennials in warm climates, artichokes can be planted close to other and let them get used to each other.
  • Artichokes are harvested in spring and fall, asparagus in late spring to early summer. Asparagus has tall, fern-like fronds in the off-season, so space them apart. If you have space, alternate rows of artichokes and asparagus with a couple of feet between them for a great permanent food garden with annual harvests.
  • Plant asparagus two feet from artichokes. Both have the same root depth and will compete underground. Space both plants properly to allow them to spread their feet!
10 Companion Plants to Grow with Artichokes
10 Companion Plants to Grow with Artichokes

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8. Arugula

  • Arugula pairs well with artichokes since it needs full sun in chilly weather but shade in warm season. Arugula’s shallow root structure won’t compete with artichoke roots, so you’ll pick it before they cause difficulties.

9. Borage

  • Borage helps control pests in the garden. Since artichokes get aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies, grow borage nearby. Parasitic wasps and hoverflies can devour artichoke bugs.
  • Borage can get dry between waterings, unlike artichokes. It can be planted on the edge of your artichoke bed where the soil dries out faster or kept in containers nearby to control watering.

10. Cabbage

  • Because they require comparable conditions to artichokes, cabbage and other Brassica relatives make good companion plants.
  • Both plants are thirsty and heavy feeders, so water and fertilize often. Growing them together makes caring for them easy.
  • Large plants like artichoke and cabbage leaves will compete for space. Choose a large bed to grow these together to avoid stunted plants.


  • You can keep them in your garden and allow them to come back every year for around six years until they cease producing flowers. If you reside in a warm region and would like to preserve your plants for a longer period of time, artichokes are a fantastic option to consider.

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