10 Flowers That Are Easy to Grow From Seed

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10 Flowers That Are Easy to Grow From Seed:- Have you considered seeding your flower garden this year? Spring flower gardening from seed is enjoyable and cheap. Here, gardening expert Danielle Sherwood shares the easiest flowers to cultivate from seed and recommendations for getting started! Instead of buying flowers from the nursery, try growing them from seed this year! You’ll save money, see your seedlings grow, and have lots of garden plants. You can grow from seed easily. A little knowledge and a few equipment may help anyone develop lovely spring flower beds. A bonus: spreading seeds and tracking their growth is a fun and versatile activity for kids!

10 Flowers That Are Easy to Grow From Seed

1. Sweet Williamss

  • Cottage garden favorites Sweet Williams bloom freely. These bright blossoms self-seed. You may have them in the garden for years after planting them! Over time, they will form a stunning patch of hot pink to dainty blush fringed flowers.
  • Sweet Williams flowers bloom all summer and last weeks in vases. Plant seeds near a sunny window or under lights 6-8 weeks before your last frost to grow them inside. These pleasantly clove-scented flowers add color to the garden easily!

2. Sunflowers

  • Pollinators love sunflowers and their seeds! Popular and low-maintenance annual flowers are garden favorites for many reasons.
  • Many sunflower varieties bloom in fascinating colors. Their sizes and blooms vary. The traditional ‘Helianthus annuus’ grows 2–10 feet tall, depending on conditions.
  • Growing sunflowers is easy. Kids enjoy planting and seeing enormous seeds grow. Native to the US, these beauties tolerate dryness, deer pressure, and poor soils.
  • You can sow and transplant them indoors for an earlier bloom. Their long taproot doesn’t like transplanting, thus direct seeding works better.

3. Hollyhock

  • Hollyhocks color vertical gardens dramatically. Each 10-foot stalk has enormous, beautiful flowers that open slowly. Plant hollyhock seeds near the house or fence for support.
  • Hollyhocks mature easily without care. Biennial plants grow roots, stems, and leaves in the first year and flowers in the second.
  • You can harvest or let the seeds scatter once they flower. They’ll reseed, creating a beautiful area of blooms for years.

4. Lance-leaved Coreopsis

  • The US and Canada are home to this bright wildflower. It requires cold stratification, therefore direct sow in November. Fluffed bright yellow blooms (occasionally with a maroon base) grow on an erect, beautiful plant.
  • Coreopsis attracts pest-eating garden insects. Easy to grow and self-seeds, it fills garden beds and pots with cheerful color. Full-sun plant.

5. Penstemon Digitalis

  • Foxglove Beard-tongue, Penstemon digitalis, is the lovely wild cousin of garden foxglove. Similar flower spikes have tubular blooms hummingbirds love. Fall through late winter sow Penstemon digitalis for early June blooms!
  • Pink-tinged snowy-white flowers. Planting them in mass makes them durable and attractive. Penstemon’s tough. It tolerates dryness, clay soil, and fierce sun. It can grow evergreen in the south.
10 Flowers That Are Easy to Grow From Seed
10 Flowers That Are Easy to Grow From Seed

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6. Bradbury’s Bee Balm

  • This mint-family flower spreads easily to make attractive ivory-to-blush bloom clusters. Although endemic to the Eastern U.S., it grows well in sunny, medium-to-dry soil.
  • The distinctive, purple-spotted blossoms are fluffy and ragged. In contrast to the plant’s dark green foliage. Some gardeners collect it for mint tea. Give ‘Bradbury’s Bee Balm’ space to grow in an informal location. Wild bergamot is more saturated lavender.

7. Black-Eyed Susans

  • Long-time favorites Black-Eyed Susans have golden-yellow daisy-like blossoms and deep brown cores. A center burgundy floret is beautiful. The three-foot plants feature lance-shaped, fluffy leaves.
  • Another butterfly host is Rudbeckia hirta. If it enjoys the conditions, it will spread like many indigenous. Direct seed in full sun fall through late winter for many happy golden blooms!

8. Shrubby St. John’s Wort

  • You can cultivate strong plants from seed. St. John’s Wort grows easily into a four-foot shrub with brilliant yellow blooms. Although the flowers are little, they are so numerous that the bush looks good in the garden.
  • Fluffy golden stamens make the blooms stand out. St. John’s Wort prefers sunlight. Though rabbits and deer avoid it, many local beneficial insects depend on its nectar.
  • Shrubby St. John’s Wort, a common herbal treatment, forms a lovely low hedge when planted in a row.

9. Hungarian Breadseed Poppies

  • In mass plantings, the Hungarian breadseed poppy’s fragile, papery blossoms are stunning. Sprinkle these resilient seeds directly onto the soil from November to February. They can even be thrown on snow!
  • As they sprout, the enormous blue-green leaves resemble lettuce heads. Long stems will soon yield large buds with dark centers that open white, lavender, or deep purple.
  • Above all, breadseed poppies feature stunning seed pods that look great in garden beds. Harvest them to replant next year.

10. Nasturtium

  • I consider nasturtium, with its large lily pad leaves and bright blossoms, a garden essential. Nasturtium is easy to grow and a good companion plant. Nasturtium attracts beneficial insects and helps other plants obtain soil calcium.
  • The whole plant tastes spicy and is eaten in salads. Nasturtium seeds should be planted ½ inch deep in the garden two weeks after the last frost.
  • Once established, water only when the soil is dry because they thrive on neglect. You’ll soon have rainbow blooms!

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