How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Mâche

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How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Mâche:- When the garden is lacking in vegetation, mâche, which is pronounced “mosh,” is ready to take center stage! One of the reasons why this easygoing winter green is such a delight in the garden and the kitchen is explained by Logan Hailey, who used to be an organic farmer. You may take your winter salads to the next level by using a green that is mild, succulent, and slightly nutty. This green can tolerate conditions that are chilly after other greens have died off. Some people refer to mâche, which is pronounced “mosh,” as lamb’s lettuce or corn salad. This is due to the fact that it was formerly a weedy wild plant that was found in winter corn fields in Europe. As the popularity of this adaptable green has increased in the United States, its distinctively sour flavor has earned it the honor of being considered a gourmet ingredient by chefs.

How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Mâche

What is Mâche?

  • The perennial winter leafy green known as mâche, also known as maize salad, is characterized by its gorgeous rosettes and a distinctively mild and refreshing tang, as well as undertones of earthy and nutty flavor on the palate. It is exceptionally resistant to cold and can weather frost for a much longer period of time than arugula or spinach.
  • With its appearance as a winter weed in European corn fields, it was given the moniker “corn salad” to describe its appearance. Additionally, it is referred to as lamb’s lettuce due to the fact that it typically grows in fields and pastures. Not only is the foliage appealing to humans, but it is also a source of nutrition for livestock such as sheep and cattle.
  • As a member of the Caprifoliaceae family, which includes honeysuckle, mâche is capable of producing beautiful white blooms in the spring and can be harvested even after it has bolted. The luscious and juicy leaves are a delightfully refreshing treat throughout the winter months, when there is very little else that is green growing. Additionally, they are able to dependably resow themselves in the garden and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Where Does Mâche Originate? 

  • The soft leafy vegetable known botanically as Valerianella locusta is indigenous to Western Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Mâche is a member of the Valeriana genus. As a cold-weather green, it is extensively cultivated in regions that have winters that are extremely cold. Because of its somewhat nutty and tangy flavor as well as its juicy and refreshing texture, mâche is a mainstay in kitchen gardens across Europe. It is also popular in the cuisines of Germany, the United Kingdom, and France.
  • It is natural for wild plants to flourish in disturbed environments such as meadows, pastures, roadside ditches, and agricultural fields that are not currently being used. In the midwestern region of the United States, a species that is very similar to this one is called Valerianella umbilicata. There is not much of a difference between the wild and cultivated kinds, and the cultivated varieties are able to grow themselves.
How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Mâche
How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Mâche

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  • Starting from seed, this one-of-a-kind old-time European green is simple to cultivate. Despite the fact that corn salad is a vegetable that is only harvested once a year, it may easily be propagated if the flower stalks are left in place. The “Varieties” section that follows will contain further information on the best seeds. It is ideal to prepare to seed this cold-resistant green in the fall so that it can grow throughout the months that are the coolest in your growing zone. This is true regardless of whatever option you choose.


  • The majority of mâche is grown through the process of direct seeding. The plant is able to sprout easily outside in open garden beds with nearly any kind of soil as long as it is moist. This is possibly due to the fact that its lineage is that of a weed. However, technically speaking, you can plant when the soil temperature is between 40 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The most usual time to plant is in the fall. Mâche seeds will become dormant if the soil temperature is higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
    This seeding method is great for early fall harvests, provided that the temperature has properly calmed down by the time Labor Day arrives. You should wait until the holidays to plant mâche in the ground if you live in a warmer region. It is the willingness of this green to come to life while the rest of the garden is going to sleep that is the most interesting thing about it.
  • The seeds should be planted approximately one inch apart in rows that are four to eighteen inches apart. Do not cover the seeds with dirt that is too dense and plant them at a depth of ¼ inch. Broadcasting them can also be done in order to create a dense patch of baby greens. In regions that receive rain in the fall, it is typically not a difficulty to maintain a steady moisture level for seeds. On the other hand, the seeds germinate slowly and it takes between ten and fourteen days for them to emerge.
  • When growing young greens, thinning is not required. When the cotyledons appear, thin the plants to a distance of three inches apart. This will result in larger rosettes and “cut-and-come-again” harvests.

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