7 Signs You’re Overwatering Your Tomatoes

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7 Signs You’re Overwatering Your Tomatoes:- Even thirsty tomato plants can overwater, causing discoloration and fungal disease. Gardening expert Madison Moulton discusses seven tomato overwatering indications and how to fix them. As thirsty plants, tomatoes need regular watering and moist soil. However, overwatering tomatoes can cause root problems and plant mortality.

Too much watering can cause a variety of tomato plant symptoms. Overwatering isn’t the only cause, but examining the soil and watering regimen will help you decide. Watch for these seven indications and act fast. Your crop will be more secure if you let the soil dry up and modify your irrigation program sooner.

7 Signs You’re Overwatering Your Tomatoes

Waterlogged Soil

  • Always check the soil before looking for indicators of trouble in your tomato plant.
  • When the soil is saturated, water will pool around the plant’s base instead of draining. This pooling suggests soggy soil, which overwaters tomatoes and increases rot risk.
  • In summer rainy areas, this may not be your fault. If tomatoes are planted in the wrong soil or in a low-lying place, excessive rain might waterlog the soil. Raised beds can help reduce waterlogging by improving drainage.
  • When waterlogging occurs, let the soil dry before watering again and alter your plan. If soil texture is a problem, add compost or transplant into raised beds for root health.

Drooping Leaves

  • Drooping leaves on any plant indicate a lack of moisture, which gardeners immediately suspect. Wilting is the first indicator of tomato plant underwatering, thus this makes sense. However, other causes may exist.
  • Overwatering, like underwatering, can cause leaves to droop and wilt. The indicators are slightly distinct, allowing you to identify the main offender. While underwatered foliage is dry and crispy, overwatered tomato plants have squishy leaves and stems.
  • Root health is the issue. Overwatering suffocates roots by reducing ventilation. Excess moisture can cause fungal development that kills tissues and reduces moisture intake.
  • Poor roots can’t deliver water and nutrients to plant sections, causing drooping leaves. Allowing the soil to dry out and modifying your watering plan may help, although wilting may indicate root rot.

Curling Leaves

  • Tomato producers panic, but curling leaves are more common than you think. Curled leaves can result from several factors, including overwatering.
  • Tomato plants with curled leaves are stressed. Stressed plants struggle to develop and produce fruit, so act quickly.
  • Overwatering stresses roots. Root rot and airflow problems affect the entire plant. Root issues may be present if the leaves curl downwards and under instead of upwards when underwatered or overheated.
  • Let the soil dry for a few days to see if the leaves recover. If not, fungal disease may spread. If you have numerous tomato plants, destroy those that don’t recover to prevent the problem from spreading.


  • Tomato leaves that turn color indicate a problem. Although several factors can cause discolouration, overwatered tomatoes are top suspect.
  • Yellowing leaves are the most prevalent sign of chlorophyll production issues. Overwatering damages roots, making it difficult for them to sustain the plant. The leaves turn yellow and may fall off if they can’t transfer moisture and nutrients.
  • Black leaves, rarer, may indicate overwatering. Excess dampness near the roots might propagate fungal disease to the foliage. Black patches may not signal a watering problem, but they should be checked for soil conditions.
  • If your tomato plants show yellowing, investigate. Check soil and root health, rainfall, and watering schedule to see whether overwatering is the reason. If so, let the soil dry for a few days before watering again.
7 Signs You’re Overwatering Your Tomatoes
7 Signs You’re Overwatering Your Tomatoes

Also Read:- Determinate Vs. Indeterminate Tomatoes: What’s The Difference?

Root Rot

  • Root rot is a devastating disease that can devastate a tomato season.
  • Some fungi induce root rot, including Pythium and Phytophthora. If they spread into the roots, your tomatoes and possibly whatever you plant there next season will die rapidly.
  • Waterlogged soil from overwatering causes root rot. Fungus thrives in little oxygen and high moisture, destroying roots and converting them to mush.
  • Root rot is hard to spot because it happens underground. Wilting and yellowing leaves are frequently the first indicators of trouble. Also inspect the stem-soil interface. Rot can swiftly crush the stem from roots to top.
  • Unfortunately, root rot is hard to eradicate. You can pluck baby tomatoes, cut the afflicted roots, and transplant them into fresh soil to thrive. However, older plants should be destroyed to prevent the problem from increasing.

Blossom End Rot

  • Watching tomato plants produce fruit is exciting. The appearance of sunken and brown blemishes on the fruit bases can dampen excitement.
  • This prevalent tomato issue is blossom end rot, a physiological ailment. Lack of calcium in the fruits affects young tomato development.
  • Gardeners thought adding calcium to the soil will fix blossom end rot, which is caused by calcium shortage. That’s not always true. Often, the root’s ability to suck up calcium causes plant deficits, not soil calcium.
  • Returning to overwatering. Excess moisture damages roots, affecting nutrition and moisture delivery. If roots can’t transport calcium from soil to fruits as they grow, blossom end rot will occur.
  • Fixing overwatering won’t restore affected fruits. You can still eat tomatoes, but trim off the troublesome portions first. Adjust your watering plan to avoid problems with late-season tomatoes.

Cracked Fruit

  • Final signs of overwatering develop in fruits, especially late in the season when the last fruits ripen.
  • The pressure from too much moisture can break the developing fruits. This affects appearance, flavor, and insect resistance.
  • Overwatering doesn’t necessarily create cracked fruit. Sometimes unexpected torrential rain overwhelms plants when fruits are almost ready to pick. If severe rain is predicted at season’s end, gardeners often select tomatoes early and ripen indoors to avoid a spoiled harvest.
  • If you see cracked fruit without rain, check your watering routine. Watering the plant regularly helps it produce juicy fruits, but overwatering at this time of year can harm the plant and tomato taste.
  • Consistency matters. You may keep your fruits clean and crack-free by maintaining a steady soil moisture level and watering only when needed.

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