Best Houseplants With Dark Foliage – These 7 Plants Will Add A Moody Accent To Your Interiors

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Best houseplants with dark foliage – these 7 plants will add a moody accent to your interiors:- Trendy: moody, soothing colors. Any room can benefit from darker colors. Deep burgundy paint may be too overwhelming, but dark-leafed houseplants are the ideal way to add drama and texture.

Since I started collecting and propagating houseplants 10 years ago, I’ve preferred those with darker, more intriguing leaves since they work harder. They can add depth, texture, and cozier colors without painting or altering the room. One of my favorite indoor plants, my oxalis (false shamrock), has survived many house transfers. Near-geometric leaves that float like kites on stems have always interested me.

Best Houseplants With Dark Foliage – These 7 Plants Will Add A Moody Accent To Your Interiors

Raven ZZ

  • Raven ZZ plant leaves are practically black and make a bold design statement.
  • Hilton Carter, houseplant stylist and author, concurs. He told H&G, ‘I’m so in love right now with the raven ZZ,’ in an interview. ‘From a designer viewpoint, so many people are creating these distinct house appearances utilizing darker foliage plants right now—it’s a huge trend.’
  • He felt a single burgundy plant would stand out in a minimalist home. You may create a unique effect using dark foliage plants. Raven ZZ does this and is low-maintenance. I think that’s special.
  • Like this raven ZZ plant from Fast Growing Trees, it is easy to manage for and structured.


  • I love the oxalis, or fake shamrock, another beautifully structured houseplant with dark foliage, but it moves more than the raven ZZ.
  • Oxalis has lovely pale pink or white flowers during the growth season.
  • They are easy to cultivate but dislike drafts and direct sunlight. I store mine on a high shelf in a bright location away from radiators and other heat sources.

Tradescantia Zebrina

  • The trailing Tradescantia zebrina has magnificent dark green, purple, and pink foliage. If you care for and supply the correct conditions, this charming houseplant will grow.
  • It would make an excellent bedroom plant in a comfortable reading corner or on a shelf above a bed due to its silky trailing vines.
Best Houseplants With Dark Foliage – These 7 Plants Will Add A Moody Accent To Your Interiors
Best Houseplants With Dark Foliage – These 7 Plants Will Add A Moody Accent To Your Interiors

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Polka Dot Begonia

  • Is the polka dot begonia lacking in style? It has glossy forest green foliage, a dark burgundy underside, and white polka dots.
  • ‘I’m still a major fan of the polka dot begonia,’ adds Hilton Carter. ‘Its cool design matches other patterns in your home.’
  • Begonia maculata has some growth requirements. This tropical plant prefers 65–70F. It also needs humidity consistency.
  • Avoid overwatering tropical plants by watering twice a week.

Purple Waffle Plant

  • The purple waffle, with its rich purple foliage and delicate texture, is another uncommon houseplant.
  • This little plant would make a good darker accent on a desk or entryway sideboard, where room is limited.
  • During summer, this plant produces little white flowers, giving appeal.

Sweet Potato Vine

  • Sweet potato vines provide luxuriant, dark purple foliage for your kitchen.
  • This vine may seem strange, but it will grow into a lush, green plant. Staking or trellising may be needed after it matures.

Rubber Plant

  • Ficus elastica, named for its robust, thick leaves, is exquisite and satin-smooth. This rubber plant from Greendigs shows how its dark green and burgundy leaves makes a striking statement with its size and presence.
  • Rubber plant care is easy. As a rainforest plant, it likes summer misting. Wipe the huge leaves occasionally to remove dust.
  • Report your fast-growing plant to encourage greater growth. For a modern look, pair with a black planter.

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