Can You Plant Cucumbers With Potatoes in Your Garden?

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Can You Plant Cucumbers with Potatoes in Your Garden?


Best companion plants for potatoes: herbs, flowers and veg to improve your  potato crop | Gardeningetc

What is companion planting?


  • Growing different species together based on their capacity to promote each other’s growth, provide some kind of pest protection, or provide other benefits is known as companion planting.


  • Selecting plants with distinct growth habits that do not compete for space is often necessary. In other cases, it may entail selecting partners with varied nutrient requirements to maximize soil utilization. Companion plants should ideally help repel harmful insects, which will facilitate the control of garden pests.


  • Certain companion planting techniques are as simple as using common sense, such as ensuring that taller plants don’t shade out lower-growing plants excessively. When designing small gardens or any other area where precise space planning is required, strategic companion planting is extremely crucial.

Benefits of Companion Planting


  • Expert gardeners vouch for companion planting because it boosts the output and health of crops like cucumbers. Choosing suitable companion plants for cucumbers, or any other plant, has several advantages.


  • innately deterring insects
  • preventing some illnesses


  • reducing rivalry for resources including water, nutrients, and space
  • can enrich the soil with healthy nutrients.
  • supplying steadiness for creatures that climb



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Best Companion Plants for Cucumbers


  • The root systems of peas, corn, beans, and lentils add nitrogen to the soil, which is good for your cucumber plants. In addition to giving cucumbers a natural support system, mature corn stalks offer much-needed shade in areas that receive a lot of sunlight.


  • Beets, onions, carrots, and radishes: Since most of these root veggies’ growth takes place underground, they complement cucumbers rather than spreading out and taking up space. On the other hand, the fruits of cucumbers grow above ground, while the plants have a single long taproot and numerous shallow roots that sprout and spread along the soil’s surface. Cucumbers and root vegetables grow best in soil that has been well-tilled.


  • Nasturtiums and marigolds: These flowers help ward off thrips, beetles, and other pests that might ruin your cucumber harvest.


  • When space is at a premium, sunflowers—tall, strong flowers—can act as natural trellises for climbing cucumber plants. The easiest way to keep your cucumbers from getting too heavy for your sunflower stalks is to choose a lightweight variety. Furthermore, research indicates that sunflowers—superheroes of the pollinator world—can boost cucumber crop yields.3.


  • Dill with oregano: Dill draws beneficial predatory insects to the garden, which helps keep pests away, while oregano repels bug pests.


  • Garlic: Research indicates that by altering the composition of the soil microbiome, garlic can increase the growth of cucumbers and reduce the likelihood that plants will experience fusarium wilt.


What are the worst companion plants for cucumbers?


  • Potatoes: These tubers require frequent feeding and can be susceptible to blight. They compete with cucumbers for nutrients and water.


  • Sage: This fragrant herb may prevent cucumbers from growing, and its powerful aroma may overpower their mild flavor.


  • Mint: The majority of mint cultivars can be extremely invasive in garden beds, encroaching on cucumber space and stealing their nutrients.


  • Melons: Cucumber-eating insect pests are drawn to these fruits.


  • If you enjoy the flavor of licorice in your vegetables, fennel should be planted in a spot apart from other garden veggies, not simply cucumbers. From its roots, it secretes chemicals that can prevent other plants from growing.



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