How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Stock Flowers

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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Stock Flowers:- Stocks are a stunning, aromatic plant that should take centre stage in any garden because to their vibrant colour bursts and alluring fragrance. These wonderful plants are simple to raise from seed and attract many of pollinators. Gardening guru Wendy Moulton demonstrates how to create gorgeous stock flowers in this post! Stocks should be on your list if you want fragrant plants in your garden. In the sweltering summer heat, their lovely fragrance will fill the air with their exquisite spicy scent with a tinge of clove. Because of its unique scent, which draws a lot of pollinators, the area surrounding the plants is covered in fragrantly coloured spikes that are humming with butterflies and bees.

How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Stock Flowers

How to Grow

  • Because of their extreme hardiness, stocks can withstand all but the worst freezing weather. They can tolerate the winter’s chill till they bloom profusely in the spring. To function at their best, they do require some attention and the appropriate environment.


  • They will usually like full sun, but if your summers are particularly hot, they will benefit more from partial shade with morning and afternoon sun. For good blooming, they require at least four hours of light exposure.
How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Stock Flowers
How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Stock Flowers

Also see:- How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Agapanthus


  • Continue to evenly moisten the soil. Mulch applied on top will help keep the plants cool. Apply irrigation if you see that the top two inches of soil are dry.


  • When planting, stocks want rich soil that is packed with quality organic compost. Add as much as four pounds of Bio-tone Starter Plus Plant Food per 100 square feet, a few handfuls of slow-release general fertiliser, and lots of compost after turning the soil over to a depth of eight to ten inches.


  • Like all brassicas, stocks prefer to grow in milder areas. They wilt in summers that are quite hot. Temperatures below 65°F (18°C) are best for them. Except in cases of extreme cold, they are regarded as frost-hardy.


  • For crops like the brassicas we discussed previously, you can put a product like Garden-tone Organic Plant Food on your stocks. Feed from May through August at the suggested rate each month. Avoid overfeeding stocks to prevent root rot.


  • Specifically designed for use on vegetables such as the brassicas we discussed before, you can use a product like Garden-tone Organic Plant Food on your stocks. Feed from May to August on a monthly basis at the suggested rate. A stock’s roots may decay if it is overfed.

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